
You dont know and will probably never know anything about me, i want to keep my identity on the internet completely private, I dont even use voice chat. People on the internet and people in real life are not the same. So instead of talking about me ill talk about interests.

Ive been making music for about 8 years now, 4 years EXTREMELY off and on and 4 years seriously, so you could really say about 4 years. I never learned any music theory, i never learned how to read music, only know how to play drums. I use multiple DAWS (FL Studio, Cubase, Studio one) not for any particular reason. I just wanted to learn new ones. I am currently learning piano. You can find a few songs I did in the Music section.

I study japanese. I have tried every method you could think of and the one i think worked the best for me was using this extention and a clipboard insertion page and just, spend all day immersing in japanese. if you want to learn more about this method here is a channel to get you started

I do characters, enviroments and a little bit of animation in blender, I started off with THE donut tutorial (dont do the donut tutorials there are so many better introductions). it took i think 30-40 parts of tutorials to get to a point where i didnt have to rely on them anymore. I dont reccommend anyone do that many tutorials in the beginning as it will probably make you hate blender before you even really start

Ive been making a game for about 2 years now. I dont want to become a game developer, I have just had a story ive wanted to tell for a very long time. Ive decided to hold off on working on it now until i learn to draw so i can make the characters

I like weird, alternative and "off meta" methods and playstyles. I play shooters with mouse acceleration. I type using a modified colemak layout. basically i like to do what the majority of people arent doing because i think its more interesting and fun that way.

I am obsessed with improvement, mastery and learning new things which is why i have an entire section towards improvement, ill talk more about that over there. I also like to use what i learned to help or teach other people

If im not creating i dont want to do anything.

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