This guide is designed to teach you everything to take you from any rank including unranked to a Top 500 level D.Va player


If at any point you say "I dont need to do/learn this" yes you do. if you didnt you would be top500 not plat. youre not as good as you think you are stop pretending you are. there isnt a nice way to say this that will get the message across.

Knowledge you should have at every rank

Bronze -> Plat = At this level your mechanics are horrible. and you dont understand the game at all. by the time you get to gold only one of these skills is usually slightly better. at this level depending on what hero you play its very important to pick either mechanics or game knowledge and focus into one

Plat -> Diamond = At plat you have the most basic understanding of the game and either terrible or barely passable mechanics. You can probably look at concepts and understand them but completely fail on executing on them. The goal is to try and realize when youre failing and work on finding solutions to fix that.

Diamond -> Masters = Diamond is just a slightly better plat with more ego. if were taking rank inflation into account it could easily be ow1 gold. at this level you have a basic understanding of the game and/or inconsistant mechanics. You should know the game by now and I should not have to teach you what a "teamfight" is so its time to look more into specifics and work on getting both mechanics and game knowledge

Masters -> GM = Usually when i watch masters play they have a few problems which are stopping them. You should be making less than 10 small mistakes per game now and only have one or two conststant problems Breaking into GM will require being either having very good mechanics or game knowledge or being above average at both

GM -> Top500 = GM players suck now but ideally if they were actually gm players they would be making less than 5 small mistakes per game and have 0 consistant problems, around mid to high top500 you should be playing the same people all the time now so use that to your advantage with avoid slots and player patterns. Getting into Top500 will require you being good at mechanics AND game knowledge

Overwatch Basics


Overwatch is way simpler than people make it out to be. There's two teams and an objective, one team has to do the objective and the other has to stop them, that's how the entire game works. There isn't really one way to learn the game you just need to play and watch videos. If you're scared of playing your first game don't be. You're going to be put with other new players who also have no idea what's going on, nobody should be whining or trash talking because they're just as bad.

HOW TO AIM (Includes D.Va specific scenarios)

(This will be using 800 DPI, you will have to convert to a your DPI if you are using something else) If you actually want to aim properly then i highly recommend checking out something like Voltaic, they will teach you more than i ever could. If that sounds like too much work then basically, go into overwatch right now and change your sensitivity to 5, now mess around until you find something you like. For most people there is no reason to go above 7 or go below 3. Being able to do a full 360 across your entire mousepad should be enough. Don't worry about changing your sensitivity in the future, aim isn't about muscle memory it's more about mastering different types of aim, depending on how often you change sensitivity it may take minutes or days to adjust.

Next is buying KovaaKs, you technically could use aim lab since its free but it doesn't have the same scenarios (and i also don't like it) if you joined the Voltaic discord there are a ton of scenarios there to train every type of aim and benchmarks to keep track of your progress. If you're looking for D.Va specific scenarios then you want to be looking for tracking scenarios or if you're extra lazy then i made two playlists, one for tracking and one for tracking while moving KovaaKsDinkingFlyCamo KovaaKsDodgingFlyTank A few people I also recommend checking out is Pinguefy who made a good video on aim trainers, Ridd and Silky Crisp who both make videos on aim.

It took about 300 hours to get to a point where I didn't need to practice if I didn't want to anymore which sounds like a lot but this was over a full year where I didnt even play OW. You could probably reach a similar level in less time if you train for a bit before playing or while in queue.


Overwatch maps are VERY chokepoint heavy, you may see teams choosing to defend a specific part of a map rather than just sitting on the payload. This is because those specific locations have more advantages and are harder for the other team to get past you.

In this image you want to hold the bridge as it covers all entrances, gives a height advantage and is hard to get to for attackers. Losing one fight may allow the other team to put one person on the objective and take as much space away from you as possible making it way harder to defend. To learn choke points watch a bunch of streams or if you're out of the new player lobbies by now, just follow your team. You will start to notice patterns.


Teamfights in OW have a very predictable flow to them, fights happen, small window where nothing is really happening, fight again. It's about what you do in that small window that could have a big impact on the game, whether that be positioning better or getting an early kill. It's up to you to determine what you think is best. Improving this skill mostly just comes from experience and trying things, learning how your hero interacts with others and how other heroes interact with you.


I don't think people realize just how important ultimates are in ow, entire games can easily be won or lost based on how you use your ults. You need to learn how to ult properly so you dont waste ult, If a fight is already won or lost there is 0 reason to ult. I need to make this clear, you do not need to keep track of everybody's ults. Having a basic idea of how many ults they have and who might have them is more than enough for you to plan accordingly for the next fight.



My old guide focused way more on my extremely aggressive dps style, in ow 2 it's still possible but much much harder and requires serious health management and positioning. This will be a much more all around style that will work in every rank.


You really don't need to know your exact damage numbers. Just remember that the better your tracking is the more damage you do because you'll be landing more bullets on the enemy rather than half because of the weapon spread. So learn and practice tracking because it will directly affect how much damage you can do. You will learn whether or not you can all in on a hero over time and a lot of deaths.


Ever since the disgusting rework that turned her into a DPS you now get to deal with being a tank who can barely tank anything without matrix, especially with the absolutely absurd amount of damage in the game now if you have double off healer you might as well switch heroes. You absolutely can not be in a bad spot without matrix, play corners to take less damage while not having to use as much matrix, don't just stare at the enemies since you have the biggest headshot hitbox. Basically don't go in unless you have a full matrix or know you can get out through a corner, cause if you do anything then realize you have no matrix, you die.


Your boosters are your movement tool and it's very important to not waste it as it has a 3.5 second cool down. If you boost in to get a pick and use your entire matrix to stall waiting for your boosters to come back you have about a half a second where you can't do anything. So always keep that in mind if you plan on using boosters. Go into training and mess around with engages, the usual combo is fly in while either shooting or matrixing then melee while stopping your boosters.


And now for the worst thing to ever happen to the game. Micro Missiles. There's not really anything to say about them, it's a projectile that lets you do more damage when going in or when killing a tank. Just make sure you're taking account of the projectile speed.


Positioning is much more important in ow2 since you're the only tank, the team is basically going to follow you so you can put your team in bad spots. Play choke points and corners until you see an opening to do anything, when you win a fight it's very important you push up to take away as much of the map/advantage spots from the enemy as possible.




It's pretty much just about keeping track of matrix and missiles. If she has no matrix use missiles, if she uses missiles matrix, do this and aim for the headshot hitbox and you will always win.


as long as you have matrix for his shots you are fine. You're going to get stunned every 0.1 nanoseconds so make sure you don't get stunned out of your rockets or boosters.

Junker Queen

If she uses shout incorrectly you should be able to just walk on her. You can matrix the knife but cant matrix the E, if you get knived wait until you get pulled to matrix and fly away.


Same thing as with JQ, she uses fortify and you can just walk on her. Just make sure your missiles dont get deleted or speared and you really shouldent have any problems



You can dodge his charge with boosters, delete his firestrikes with matrix, and break his shield with missiles. Just make sure to not feed his shatter or get pinned if you don't have to.


If he can't two shot your mech he is free ult charge. Just keep an eye out for anyone who gets hooked, matrix sucks now so you have to be right next to them to matrix hooks


If he doesn't have rock you should be able to just walk through the shield or break it. If you don't spam into his grasp you shouldn't have any problems


wait for jump, free ult charge.


free ult charge


The only tank that's near impossible to play against in ow2, if zarya has bubbles don't even bother, just play somewhere else until she has no bubbles so you dont give free ult charge, if she uses both bubbles and still has no charge that is your only window to kill her.



does more damage to you than you would think, dont just stand there and let her headshot you, she will always shift you away when you try to dive her so either waste it or wait for her to use it first. You are on bob duty so make sure to tank it, you will have to rely on your supports for this.


as long as you don't just stand there when he's in turret form he can't do anything to you.


why did they have to give him an edgy backstory, they got rid of flashbang so as long as you matrix the nade or his right clicks, which he will usually do when you fly at him, you are fine.


The E goes through your matrix so watch your health bar. Wait for fly. Initiate kill mode


Just a tracking heavy hero, nothing special at all. When he blades fly into him to either displace him, draw attention away, or kill him. Basically youre on genji duty when he ults


Matrix storm arrow. Free


Matrix the mines after you kill.will probably nade away from you so either matrix or save boosters.


Mei is pretty much all about keeping track of her cooldown usage, if she has no cooldowns then you should be safe to kill. Be careful about being too close to mei because once she can start slowing you you are NOT getting out.


Pharah relies on mercy to be able to do anything, you rely on your team to do anything to a pharmercy. If she has no mercy its your job to make sure she cant play the game, if she has a mercy it's your job to be as annoying as possible because you are not killing a pharmercy alone. Pharahs usually make it very obvious when they are about to ult, matrix it, you can also drop matrix to make the pharah kill themselves with rockets, this might not work in higher ranks though as they will know what you're doing and just turn around.


Reaper really isn't as bad as you'd think it is, as long as you have matrix there really isnt anything he can do as you can just fly away and in a lot of cases just kill him. Basically just a health management matchup, always be watching to matrix his ult.


Matrix the rail for your team and initiate kill mode when she uses her movement.


Soldier is weird because with perfect tracking you can kill him in his heal, you kinda just have to try it and if its not working then either back off or matrix. Always matrix his ult.


the only way you're actually gonna kill a sombra is if they are dumb and don't teleport away, you basically just shoot nothing until you shoot her invisible since you only need 1 damage to cancel the invisibility. If you have someone like a zen on your team be more careful of the sombra as she can just sit there and kill the zen over and over again.


Sym is a very tracking intense hero for you. If you don't kill quickly you absolutely need to leave as you cant matrix her beam. Its safest for you to be the one to destroy the turrets.


funny torb guy, if he has no E even with his shotgun you should be able to kill him, he has a really big hitbox. Eat his coom and youll be fine.


extremely tracking heavy hero. if you think you can kill her then do it, otherwise just matrix for your team. It can be very hard to eat the pulse bomb you can play like she always has pulse bomb up because you're not gonna matrix it with reactions alone.


basically just matrix and try to get as close to her as possible to make her use grapple and initiate kill mode. You can also just fly into her to force her to a new spot. you dont want her to be able to just sit there and shoot at your team



Almost every low rank ana will immediately sleep when you fly into her so try to bait out the sleep when flying in and then she can't do anything to you. Try to matrix the anti nade or matrix whoever on your team gets anti’d


with kiriko you're just trying to force her to use either swift step or suzu, as long as you aren't constantly getting headshot she can't do anything to you so with no abilities she is a free kill.


Its 50/50, if he has no help there is no reason you shouldn't be able to kill him But just as easily as you can kill him, if youre not paying attention and he hit some headshots you can lose your mech just as fast.


This one is very simple, if he cant jump away anywhere he is no threat, just remember to break lamp and matrix the damage from his ult


save boosters for if she shield bashes away, save micro missile for breaking shield. You win


it's just tracking


also just tracking, she will probably outheal your damage when ulting.


who is lifeweaver


very tracking heavy, don't stand next to the edge of the map after using boosters


How to reset

Sometimes when a fight is over the other team will try to stagger you by keeping you alive on purpose to then kill you and waste as much time as possible. If this happens the only thing you should be thinking is “how do i die as fast as possible” teams are rarely coordinated enough to pull this off properly so the quickest way to die if there is no cliff nearby is find someone with a low amount of HP like a zen and try to do as much damage as possible to force them to kill you

Using your ultimate


Optimal HUD usage

Mastering booster movement


Voice and team chat

Animation canceling

Video/Game settings